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Import 3D Models

Import Solid Edge, SolidWorks, Inventor, Pro/ ENGINEER*, SketchUp, Rhino, and many other 3D file formats directly.

Basic Illustration Tools

Capture illustrations and organize storyboards.

Publish 3D PDF

Create PDF files with embedded 3D that can be interactively viewed with Adobe Reader 9 or greater.

Enhanced Illustration Tools

Create step-by-step processes, markup illustrations with balloons and callouts.

Basic 3D Tools

Render Styles, Exploded Views, model tree.

Enhanced 3D Tools

Adds custom render styles, more exploded view tools, parts lists, sectioning, part search tools, model tree.

Basic Material Tools

Apply materials from a library of materials.

Enhanced Material Tools

Create custom materials; tweak library materials, save materials for later use.

Page Design Tools

Multiple pages with embedded 3D views, parts lists display, buttons, tables, text, images and more.

50+ Templates

Rapidly create documents with professional page design.

Publish Printed Documents

Create static documents that can be printed or published to PDF.

Publish Interactive Documents

Create interactive 3D documents with clickable parts lists or step-by-step procedures.

HTML5 Publishing

Publish directly to industry standard HTML. The HTML files are based on "Powered by Share3D" technology so interactive 3D documents can be viewed with any modern browser on PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices.

Font and Paragraph Styles

Organize large documents and encourage consistent formatting in documentation with font and paragraph styles. Styles can be used with text boxes, tables, dynamic text and tables, buttons and more.

Table of Contents

Table of contents feature leverages styles to automatically create a table of contents for your Pages3D documentation. Based on heading levels, the table of contents is easy to add to any document using styles.

Parts List Hyperlinks

Add hyperlinks to part list cells. Use the hyperlinks to link to other pages in the Pages3D document, to external web pages or to other Pages3D documents.

Catalog Drill Down Wizard

Designed to make it easy to create part catalogs with drill down features. The wizard will insert a page for each part in a parts list and then add hyperlinks to each new page from the original parts list.

Solid Edge PMI Import

PMI data can be exported from Solid Edge and used to display accurate dimensions and annotations in your documents and illustrations. PMI data can be published as part of your document to print, PDF or HTML5 for powerful interactive 3D communication.

HD and Mobile Templates

HD and mobile device layouts allow deliverables to leverage today's technologies for optimized viewing on modern devices.

Storyboard Wizard

Create a step-by-step process from an exploded view. Saves time since the viewpoints, visible parts and selected parts are all set up automatically based on the exploded view. You can also rapidly create a series of isolated part views from a parts list.

Configurations and Merge Models

Makes it easy to work with large models. Configurations allow you to define and work with subsets of parts. With merge models 3D CAD from various CAD programs can be merged together. Users use this when the primary designs is better explain with props or tools in some graphics.

Update Wizard

With update tools you can update entire sets of illustrations by re-importing the 3D model. This is especially useful because it allows users to get started on graphics before the design phase is complete and when 3D CAD designs change, little work is needed to update graphics.

Linkable Text Boxes

This provides support for text and tables that may not fit on a single page or in a single column. Offers the ability to link a text box table, or parts list from one page to another or from one column to another.